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ChargePilot® packages

Choose from different hardware and software components and flexibly adapt ChargePilot® to your individual requirements.

Five steps to your individual ChargePilot® charging location

1️⃣ Choose your hardware package: Depending on which type of load management provides the greatest possible benefit at your location, you will receive corresponding hardware components.

2️⃣ Add your desired setup: Whether connecting third-party backends or setting up multi-fuse and grid-serving charging - individual configurations are no problem.

3️⃣ Determine the range of functions of your dashboard: The ChargePilot® web portal offers you a wide range of options so that you can conveniently control your charging infrastructure from anywhere.

4️⃣ Add features from the category Charge Management & Ecosystem: Intelligent extras such as PV-optimized charging or time-based grid limits reduce your operating costs to a minimum.

5️⃣ Opt for first-class service: With optional extra services such as 24/7 remote support and RFID management, we are happy to support you in the operation of your charging infrastructure.

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