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Video tutorial for the settings in the ChargePilot web portal


1️⃣ Overview of all accounts incl. number of locations, controllers and charging stations

2️⃣ Click on the arrow symbol to view detailed information on the individual locations: controller name, number of charging stations per location as well as further site information and editing options



1️⃣ Overview of all sites incl. information on the controller installed on site: status, serial number & ID

2️⃣ Clicking on the location name reveals further site information and editing options

Charging stations

1️⃣ Overview of all charging stations across locations incl. number of charging points and ID

2️⃣ Clicking on the arrow symbol shows further information on charging points, controller & location names. Clicking on the name of the charging station opens details and editing options:


3️⃣ Overview of details: Name, Type, ID, Fallback in A, Firmware Version & IP Address

4️⃣ Change history for tracking edits

5️⃣ Rename the charging station

6️⃣ Rename the charging points

7️⃣ Prioritize a charging point by clicking on the star symbol


Site information and editing options

1️⃣ Details of the location (name, location ID, time zone, energy costs) as well as the controller (including status & type of load management).

2️⃣ Change history to track edits

3️⃣ Edit the site-specific energy costs

4️⃣ Edit the Controller Name

5️⃣ (De)activate time-based grid limits

6️⃣ Overview of the charging stations at the site




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