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1️⃣ Selection of the site

2️⃣ Current controller status of all selected locations

3️⃣ Overview of the current charging power of all selected locations in kW or A

4️⃣ Overview of all current charging point statuses of the selected site(s). In Overview, only the primary are displayed: “Available”, “Charging” and “Error”. All secondary statuses are grouped as “Other”.

Clicking on Detail opens an in-depth overview of all statuses. When hovering on a status, a description of the statuses is shown.

More on charging statuses and error codes

5️⃣ Overview of the current error notifications from the controller and charging points

6️⃣ Overview of the current charging point occupancy

7️⃣ Detailed overview of the charging points incl. name, ID, status, ID name, charging power, energy consumption and plug-in time.

8️⃣ Prioritization of a charging point by clicking on the star symbol (→ connected vehicles are charged prioritized).

9️⃣ Clicking on the three-dot icon opens the menu for starting/stopping the charging session or for restarting the charging point.

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