In OCPP, all possible combinations of charging point statuses and error codes can occur. In the ChargePilot Dashboard, error codes are always displayed in the Error Notifications tile, even if the charging point’s status is not set to “Error.”
In the Charging Point Details Table (single-site view), a red info icon indicates when a charging point sends an error code.
All displayed error codes are updated in real time. Once an error is resolved—such as after a station reboot or reconnection to ChargePilot — the error information is automatically removed from the ChargePilot Dashboard.
Error Notifications in the ChargePilot Dashboard
Explanation of OCPP Error Codes
Error Code
Description according to OCPP 1.6
Recommended Steps to resolve the error
Failure to lock or unlock connector.
Failure to lock or unlock connector.
We recommend performing the following actions to resolve the issue:
Stop charging event at EV.
Unplug and re-plug EV.
Restart charging station via ChargePilot.
Restart charging station by tripping the fuse.
If issue persists, please contact our support.
Communication failure with the vehicle, might be Mode 3 or other communication protocol problem. This is not a real error in the sense that the Charge Point doesn’t need to go to the faulted state. Instead, it should go to the SuspendedEVSE state.
Communication failure with the vehicle.
We recommend performing the following actions to resolve the issue:
Unplug and re-plug EV.
Stop and start charging session via ChargePilot.
Check cars settings.
Restart charging station via ChargePilot.
Restart charging station by tripping the fuse.
If issue persists, please contact our support.
Ground fault circuit interrupter has been activated.
Ground fault circuit interrupter has been activated.
We recommend performing the following actions to resolve the issue:
Restart charging station via ChargePilot.
Restart charging station by tripping the fuse or RCD.
Contact your electrician to check the installation.
If issue persists, please contact our support.
Temperature inside Charge Point is too high.
Temperature inside Charge Point is too high.
We recommend performing the following actions to resolve the issue:
Unplug all EVs from this charging station
Create shade over the charging station to allow it to cool down, and turn off energy supply.
Restart charging station via ChargePilot.
Restart charging station by tripping the fuse.
If issue persists, please contact our support.
Error in internal hard- or software component.
Error in internal hard- or software component.
We recommend performing the following actions to resolve the issue:
Restart charging station via ChargePilot.
Restart charging station by tripping the fuse.
If issue persists, please contact our support.
The authorization information received from the Central System is in conflict with the LocalAuthorizationList.
Conflict with the authorization information.
We recommend performing the following actions to resolve the issue:
Check RFID settings
Check with other activated RFID tokens.
Restart charging station via ChargePilot.
Restart charging station by tripping the fuse.
If issue persists, please contact our support.
No error to report.
No error to report.
Other type of error. More information in vendorErrorCode.
Other type of error. More information in vendorErrorCode.
Unknown error.
Unknown error.
We recommend performing the following actions to resolve the issue:
Restart charging station via ChargePilot.
Restart charging station by tripping the fuse.
If issue persists, please contact our support.
Over current protection device has tripped.
Overcurrent protection device has tripped.
We recommend performing the following actions to resolve the issue:
Restart charging station via ChargePilot.
Restart charging station by tripping the fuse or RCD.
Contact your electrician to check the installation.
If issue persists, please contact our support.
Voltage has risen above an acceptable level.
Voltage has risen above an acceptable level.
We recommend performing the following actions to resolve the issue:
Restart charging station via ChargePilot.
Restart charging station by tripping the fuse or RCD.
Contact your electrician to check the installation.
If issue persists, please contact our support.
Failure to read power meter.
Failure to read power meter.
We recommend performing the following actions to resolve the issue:
Restart charging station via ChargePilot.
Restart charging station by tripping the fuse.
If issue persists, please contact our support.
Failure to control power switch.
Failure to control power switch.
We recommend performing the following actions to resolve the issue:
Restart charging station via ChargePilot.
Restart charging station by tripping the fuse or RCD.
Contact your electrician to check the installation.
If issue persists, please contact our support.
Failure with idTag reader.
Failure with idTag reader.
We recommend performing the following actions to resolve the issue:
Check RFID settings.
Check with other activated RFID tokens.
Restart charging station via ChargePilot.
Restart charging station by tripping the fuse.
If issue persists, please contact our support.
Unable to perform a reset.
Unable to perform a reset.
We recommend performing the following actions to resolve the issue:
Restart charging station via ChargePilot.
Restart charging station by tripping the fuse.
If issue persists, please contact our support.
Voltage has dropped below an acceptable level.
Voltage has dropped below an acceptable level.
We recommend performing the following actions to resolve the issue:
Restart charging station via ChargePilot.
Restart charging station by tripping the fuse or RCD.
Contact your electrician to check the installation.
If issue persists, please contact our support.
Wireless communication device reports a weak signal.
Wireless communication device reports a weak signal.
We recommend performing the following actions to resolve the issue:
Restart charging station via ChargePilot.
Restart charging station by tripping the fuse.
If issue persists, please contact our support.
Other Error Notifications
Recommended Steps to resolve the error
Charging Station Offline
Charging stations may briefly go offline during restarts, like firmware updates. Additionally, stations may appear offline if the power supply to the station or internet connection is interrupted.
Charging on Offline Stations
As long as power is still supplied, you can charge in offline mode. While offline, ChargePilot cannot receive data, so it assumes the charging session continues and reserves the charging power to stay within fuse limits.
If fallback is enabled, the fallback setting (e.g., 6 A per phase) is deducted from the fuse limit during offline periods. Without fallback, the station’s maximum capacity (e.g., 32 A per phase) is deducted instead.
You can check in the settings if fallback is supported and which value is configured.
The offline charging station is malfunctioning
If you can’t charge on an offline station due to a technical issue, the fallback value will still be deducted from the fuse limit if fallback is enabled, to protect the fuse limit. ChargePilot assumes charging is possible while offline.
If fallback isn’t activated, you can set the station’s capacity to 0 A in settings. Warning: setting capacity to 0 A assumes no charging occurs, so verify before doing this.
Steps to bring the charging station back online
Check the power connection of the charging station.
Check the power connection of the network switch.
Check the cable between the charging station and the network switch.
Restart the charging station via its circuit breaker.
If the problem persists, please contact our support.
Controller Offline
In most cases, offline controllers are in a temporary state because the controller briefly lost its internet connection and/or needs to reconnect to our backend. This can happen, for example, during an update or restart. However, charging processes remain unaffected during this time. It is also possible that the power supply to the controller was interrupted, causing it to shut down.
Charging while the controller is offline
Charging is possible as long as the charging stations have power.
ChargePilot continues to manage charging while the internet connection is lost.
While the controller is offline, no changes such as new RFID cards or prioritization of a charging point or RFID can be performed to influence the charging.
Steps to bring the controller back online:
Check the internet connection of the network the controller is connected to.
Verify the power connection of the controller and internet router.
Restart the controller via its circuit breaker. This is different from the circuit breaker of the charging stations.
If issue persists, please contact our support.
EMS Offline
If the connection to the Energy Management System (EMS) is lost, ChargePilot can no longer receive real-time data on available power limits. In this case, a fallback value for the EMS will automatically be applied to protect the system from overload.
What happens when the EMS connection is lost
ChargePilot assumes the maximum current available based on the predefined fallback value for the EMS.
The fallback value (e.g., 100 A) is deducted from the total power available for charging to ensure circuit protection.
Load management will continue based on this fallback value until the connection to the EMS is restored.
Steps to restore EMS connection
Verify that the EMS is powered and connected to the network.
Check the modbus connection between ChargePilot and the EMS.
Restart the EMS or network devices if needed.
If issue persists, please contact our support.
EMS Unknown
When the controller is offline, ChargePilot doesn’t receive any information on the meter status anymore.
Meter Offline
Meter Offline: When the connection to the meter is lost, ChargePilot can no longer monitor real-time power consumption data. To ensure system safety, a fallback value for the meter will be automatically applied.
What happens when the meter connection is lost:
ChargePilot assumes the meter's fallback value (e.g., 50 A) as the maximum power consumption.
This fallback value is deducted from the total available power to prevent overload.
Load management will continue using this fallback value until the meter connection is restored.
Steps to restore meter connection:
Ensure the meter is powered and connected to the network.
Check the network connections between the meter and ChargePilot (cables, switches, etc.).
Restart the meter or related network devices if necessary.
If issue persists, please contact our support.
Meter Unknown
When the controller is offline, ChargePilot doesn’t receive any information on the meter status anymore.
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