Internal | OCPP Logs
In addition to the OCPP Logs information for external users, here you can find additional info about the OCPP Logs.
OCPP Log Level
We currently only have OCPP Message Logs available in Kibana where they are not accessible for the end user. With making them available in the Operator UI, we are giving our users the possibility to handle charging station errors better themselves as they have the possibility to understand what happened to the charger. This is especially important when it comes to error handling of a charging station.
For each site, we can set a log level. We have three different log levels in place:
No Logs
Info Log Level
Debug Log Level
By default, the log level should be set to “Info”. With this the user has the possibility, to see relevant information and to perform relevant evaluations based on status changes, errors and charging transactions at their site.
The Log level can be changed in Adminpanel.
Client configuration > Local Controllers > … > :settings: Device Variables > Logging Variables > OCPP Index Log Level
OCPP Logs Table
Timestamp | Action | Charging Station ID | Charging Point ID | Status | Error Code | Site Name | |
Required from Charger | optional, depending on message | added by logstash | |||||
displayed value from the ocpp_index |
| will only be displayed for special Example: | will only be displaced for special Example: | needs to be matched with |
Additional information | In the first iteration, we will not display the Charging Point Name but the ID. The background is to reduce development effort here and start as lean as possible |
We display the request.status here (see Kibana) |
We display the request.error_code here (see Kibana) |
OCPP Background Information
OCPP 1.6 Feature Profiles
Features and associated messages are grouped in profiles. One or more of the following profiles can be implemented.
Profile Names | Description | Implemented in ChargePilot |
Core | Basic charge point functionality comparable with OCPP 1.5 | yes |
Firmware Management | Support for firmware update management and diagnostic log file download | yes |
Local Auth List Management | Feature to manage the local authorization list in charge points | yes |
Reservation | Support for reservation of a charge point | yes |
Smart Charging | Support for basic smart charging | yes |
Remote Trigger | Support for remote triggering of charge point initiated messages | yes |
Implementation of the Core profile is required. Other profiles are optional; all of them are included in ChargePilot.
Every feature profile consists of a different set of OCPP messages. With ChargePilot’s implemented feature profiles, all belonging messages are implemented.
Core Profile OCPP Messages
The messages with (1) are part of our OCPP Info Log Level, (2) Debug Log Level for Operations.
Profile Names | Importance & Description | |
1 | Authorize(1),(2) | The Charging Event was authorized, we receive charger ID and used RFID for the event |
2 | BootNotification(1),(2) | We receive information about the charging station, incl. firmware version, vendor, model and serial number |
3 | ChangeAvailability(2) | - |
4 | ChangeConfiguration(2) | Not implemented yet, we can change the charging station configuration with this command |
5 | ClearCache(2) | - |
6 | DataTransfer(2) | We can send and receive data, e.g. setMeterConfiguration |
7 | GetConfiguration(2) | We receive the configuration of the charger |
8 | Heartbeat(2) | |
9 | MeterValues(2) | We receive metervalues from the charging station and a transaction ID |
10 | RemoteStartTransaction(2) | Similar to StartTransaction, can include Charging Profiles1 |
11 | RemoteStopTransaction(2) | Similar to StopTransaction |
12 | Reset(2) | - |
13 | StartTransaction(1),(2) | Information about transaction ID, used RFID, meter start value and time |
14 | StatusNotification(1),(2) | Information about the status of the charging station and its connectors |
15 | StopTransaction(1),(2) | Information about transaction ID, used RFID, meter stop value and time |
16 | UnlockConnector(2) | Command to unlock the connector |
1A ChargingProfile consists of a ChargingSchedule, describing the amount of power or current that canbe delivered per time interval.
Smart Charging Profile OCPP Messages
The messages with (2) are part of our Debug Log Level for Operations.
Profile Names | Importance & Description | |
1 | ClearChargingProfile(2) | The Central System can use this message to clear (remove) either a specific charging profile (denoted by id) or a selection of charging profiles that match with the values of the optional connector Id, stack Level and charging Profile Purpose fields. |
2 | GetCompositeSchedule(2) | Request/Receive information about connector Id for which the schedule is requested; Information about the duration / length of requested schedule in seconds and chargingRateUnit which can be used to force a power or current profile |
3 | SetChargingProfile(2) | Information about the connector ID which the charging profile applies to and information about the charging profile to be set at the charging point. |
OCPP States & Error Codes
Can be found here: Understanding and Managing System Errors
Data Flow
The base of this data is
(also called ocpp index) in Elasticlogstash
consuming the data ofrabbitmq
gets the data transaction messages between the chargers andcharger-ws