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ChargePilot® PV Integration

Why does it make sense to charge electric vehicles with solar energy?

photovoltaic (PV) system is a variable energy source and at times produces a surplus of electricity. Electric vehicles are usually parked at the charging station for much longer than they are charging. Thus, they can serve as flexible consumers or storage units and absorb the surplus electricity.

The intelligent charging of vehicles with solar energy thus contributes to increasing self-consumption and lower running costs.

The costs for grid electricity is usually four to six times higher than electricity that is produced on-site, as there are no taxes and additional grid fees.

Your advantages:

✔️ lower operating costs

✔️ positive climate impact

How can ChargePilot® take your PV system into account?

With intelligent control through ChargePilot®, you can make the best possible use of the available solar energy.

Are you already using an energy management system (EMS) for your PV system? Integrate it into your ChargePilot®!

The generated energy from your PV system as well as the applied building load are dynamically taken into account when charging your vehicles by your EMS.

Choose from two options for your ChargePilot® location

PV Plus 

The energy generated from the PV system reduces the effective building load. As a result, more energy is available for charging the vehicles.

PV Only

The vehicles only charge when surplus electricity from PV generation is available. No electricity is drawn from the grid for the charging infrastructure.

In combination with the ChargePilot® feature time-based grid limits, charging from the grid can happen during certain times, ex. at night or on weekends. The grid limit can be activated and deactivated as desired in the web portal.

Example: During the summer months, the vehicles are charged exclusively with energy from the PV system during the day. Electricity is only drawn from the grid at night.

 Please note our restrictions

  • No communication with the PV inverter

  • No self-consumption optimization

  • Not suitable for direct feeders (own grid connection, PV > 100 kW).

  • ChargePilot® does not measure the power of the PV system directly. No distinction is made between grid electricity and PV electricity

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