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ID Management

1️⃣ Name of the selected site

2️⃣ Search for specific IDs

3️⃣ Detailed information on all IDs at the selected site including name, ID, additional information (blank field) and the sites to which the ID is assigned.

4️⃣ Prioritize an ID by clicking on the star symbol

5️⃣ Add or edit one or more IDs

6️⃣ Edit or delete an existing ID by clicking on the pencil or bin icon

Add new IDs (with and without reader)

1️⃣ Enter the name of the new ID (e.g. vehicle registration number, name of the driver(s), DKV card number)

2️⃣ Optional: Connect the reader to the PC via USB cable → the device lights up blue, followed by a signal tone. Some ID readers output 8 digits by default and must be changed manually.

Step by step: How to change the length of the output (DRAGON RFID-Reader)

1. Plug in the RFID reader via USB

2. Open application "DEDOWNLOADER.exe”

3. In the lower section "Reading Block (MIFare)", the readout length can be set for "ID Len". (Note: 4 corresponds to 8 digits; 7 corresponds to 14 digits).

4. For 14 digits, enter 7 at "ID Len" and select "SET".

5. In the following window, check "Dragon" and confirm with OK.

6. After a few seconds, the RFID reader emits a short confirmation tone and the application shows the following:

7. The unit is now converted. The output will be 14 digits long.

Attention! For cards with 8 digits, 6 leading zeros are addeed; e.g. 00000012345678

3️⃣ With reader: Click on the "ID number" field and hold the card/token against the reader; after the signal tone, the ID is automatically displayed in the input field (14 digits for DKV cards)

Without reader: Enter the ID number of the card/token

Attention! For cards with 8 digits, 6 leading zeros are added; e.g. 00000012345678

4️⃣ Optional: Enter additional information about the ID

5️⃣ Select and save assigned tenants and locations

Add multiple IDs

1️⃣ Information field appears when hovering over (info)

2️⃣ Click to download sample .csv file

3️⃣ Following the example shown, format your .csv file with ID names and numbers that are to be added

4️⃣ Select and upload file

5️⃣ Select and save assigned tenants and locations

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