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Remote Firmware Update


Remote Firmware Update is currently available for Beta-Users only for further testing. Once all beta-testing is done, it will be released to all customers.

You can sign up to become a Beta-Tester in the ChargePilot Web Portal via our Help Center.

Firmware Update

Remote firmware updates via OCPP command UpdateFirmware can be performed in the ChargePilot Web Portal settings. The firmware of a charger can be updated on a site level, on a separate tab next to the site detail page. Firmware can be updated for multiple charging stations of the same type at the same time via multi-select checkboxes.

Example Firmware Update page

Update Firmware Flow

Request Flow

When updating firmware, the user chooses the desired firmware version from the dropdown menu. After choosing the version, only charging station that have not installed this specific firmware version can be selected via the multi-select checkboxes on the left side. This process can be done the other way round as well, first selecting the charging stations and afterwards the firmware version from the dropdown.

After selecting all desired charging stations and firmware version, the user then clicks on the “Update firmware” button on the right side of the modal. After clicking on the button, the button is greyed out, and the “last update status” column changes to UPDATING.

On the cloud side, the request to update the firmware of all selected chargers is send to the local controller and afterwards to the charging stations.

The request can take up to 40 min, in that time the “Update firmware”-button is greyed out and cannot be clicked again. The “Request Logs”-button is greyed out for all users with access to this charging station as it should be avoided sending multiple requests by multiple users to the same charging station.

Happy path

Once the charging station receives the request to update firmware, it starts to download the firmware from the cloud (S3 bucket) and afterwards starts installing it. As soon as the new firmware is installed, we receive the new firmware version from the charging station and change the column “last update status” from UPDATING to SUCCESSFUL.

Unhappy path

Sometimes the charging station receives the request to update its firmware, but doesn’t start downloading the new firmware version, or just aborts the request. In that case we display the status UPDATING in the ChargePilot Web Portal for 30 minutes before changing the status to FAILED.

Change History

In the change history the user can see, who requested a firmware update at which date + time, for which station and its status.

Compatible Charging Stations

An overview which charging stations support the “Download log file via OCPP” can be found here: ChargePilot compatible charging stations


Why do I not see the current firmware version of my charging station?

We are currently only storing the current firmware version of a charging station in our database when this charging station’s firmware was updated via our Web Portal already.

When a charging station is rebooted, their current firmware version can be seen in the OCPP logs.

Why did my firmware update failed (again)?

Some charging stations do not allow a firmware update if a cable is still connected. Please make sure that the charging station is really free and online before updating firmware.

It may happen that the charging station hangs in "installing" status during the firmware update. In this case, please restart your charging station via the dashboard.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.