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Compleo | Solo Advanced/Duo - Configuration for ChargePilot

Before starting the configuration, please check the charger firmware version complies with the latest compatible firmware version.

Connection to the charger

Local connection

  1. The Compleo can be configured via a web interface (ducto): Ducto_Guide.pdf

    1. Set the laptop local network IP to 192.168.1.XX

    2. Enter the IP-address in a web browser. It dierects to the Compleo Solo ducto page

Remote connection

  1. Can be used to access the web interface.

    1. Go to Login

    2. Tick the box “Login as electrician”

The password can be found under the QR code on the station side

Network settings

  1. Go to Settings → Network

    1. Set operation mode to Ethernet DHCP + service modem

  2. Apply and confirm the changes

  3. Restart the charger (or later)

OCPP settings

OCPP connection

  1. Go to Settings → Backend → Connection

    1. Backend URL: ws://

    2. Apply and confirm the changes

    3. Restart the charger (or later)

OCPP operating mode

  1. Go to Settings → Backend

    1. Set OCPP operating mode to Online

  2. Apply and confirm the changes

  3. Restart the charger (or later)

OCPP Device ID

  1. Go to Settings → Backend → Connection

    1. Set CharegerBoxIdentity, which should be agreed with the customer and comply with the Device ID of the charge point on the Admin UI later

  2. Apply and confirm the changes

  3. Restart the charger (or later)

Other charger settings

Maximum current and phase mapping

  1. Go to Settings → Charging station

    1. Set External maximum current to the fuse connetion at the charger, according to the installation protocol

    2. Set Adjustable maximum current for the eintire charger. This value should be lower than the internal and external maximum current

    3. Apply and confirm the changes

    4. Restart the charger (or later)

Connector name

  1. Go to Settings → Connectors → Connector Type2

    1. Set EVSE ID (this will be shown as the plug name in the log)

  2. Apply and confirm the changes

  3. Restart the charger (or later)

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