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ABL | eM4 - Configuration for ChargePilot

Before starting the configuration, please check the charger firmware version complies with the latest compatible firmware version.

I. Configuration per web UI

Configuration via web app does not work with the 2.0p4, instead only via ABL app.

From 2.0p7 onwards the configuration can be set via a web app.

Connection to the charger

The ABL web portal can be accessed by entering the wallbox IP-address in the web browser.

On the web page you can change the role to installer at “Change role” for Admin/Edit mode.

  1. Direct connection to the wallbox

    1. Connect your Ethernet cable to the RJ45-port under the cover of the wallbox (next to GMS module)

    2. Change your IP-address of your Ethernet adapter to

    3. Open your web browser and type in

  2. Indirect connection to the wallbox via a DHCP server

    1. Connect your Ethernet cable to the router which is also connected to the wallbox and the DHCP server

    2. Open your web browser and type in <wallbox IP>:8300 or <wallbox IP>:80. The wallbox IP-address can be found in the micro service “dhcp” logs of balena (a reboot of the wallbox is required).
      You can use port forwarding to reach the wallbox when this function is activated.

Network settings

  1. Go to Connectivity → LAN

  2. Enable the “LAN”

  3. LAN configuration: “LAN DYNAMIC”

  4. Click the “Save” button

“LAN” is enabled in the pre-configuration of ChargePilot

OCPP settings

  1. Go to Connectivity → OCPP

  2. Configure the following entries

    1. OCPP Version: 1.6

    2. URL: the IP of our controller (default: ws://

    3. ChargeBox ID must be identical in the Device ID in the Admin UI:
      ABL_<wallbox serial number>
      e.g. ABL_3W226302616

    4. Local port: 9000

    5. Local path: empty

    6. Basic authentication password: not used for ChargePilot. Used if the wallbox is connected to a wss backend

  3. Click the “Save“ button

  4. Go to Maintanance → System → Execute soft reset

Other charger settings

Authorization settings

  1. Go to Operation → OCPP configuration → tick the entries under the Authorization Settings:

    1. Free charging when offline

    2. Local authorization if offline

    3. Shorten UIDs

  2. Click the “Save” button

Fallback settings

eMH3 charger doesn’t accept decimal TxDefaultProfile values, which will result in charger crash.

Therefore, the settings of fallback value in the Admin UI has to be a multiple of the number of connectors.

In the example, the fallback value is 12A, then each connector will get 6A.

Offline behaviour settings

  1. Go to Operation → General

  2. Set Operation mode: “Online-Backend Mode”

  3. Click the “Save” button

  4. Set Present after blackout: “Stop charging”

  5. Set Present before blackout: “Stop charging”

  6. Set Present before downtime limit: “Stop charging”

  7. Click the “Save” button

Load management

  1. (tbd)

For the initial commissioning, it is essential to assign the password via the app and thus the configuration with the app via WLAN is secured. See Chapters II-1 and -2 below.

II. Configuration per app

  1. Select the Controller to be configured

  2. Click the “Contunue” button

  1. Set a passwort for the access of the wallbox when connecting to it in the future

  2. Click the button “Continue”

  1. Select “Yes”, if the charger is also connected to a Wi-Fi router, otherwise select “No”

  1. Select “LAN”

  1. Select “LAN” if this Controller is connected to the Extenders via LAN. Select “Wi-Fi” if this Controller is connected to the Extenders via Wi-Fi

  1. Select “No”

  1. Enter the installed fuse capacity at this charger

  1. Select “Use template” for ChargePilot (tbd.), or

  2. Select “Manual Input”

  1. Change the backend settings

    1. URL: ws://

    2. OCPP Version: OCPP 1.6

    3. ChargeBox ID: ABL_<wallbox serial number>
      (this must be identical to the Device ID in the Admin UI)

  2. Click the “Continue” button

  1. Charger will reboot, after the reboot, a QR code for connection information will be generated

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